Source code for nilmtk

# re-enable deprecation warnings
import warnings

from nilmtk import *
from nilmtk.version import version as __version__
from nilmtk.timeframe import TimeFrame
from nilmtk.elecmeter import ElecMeter
from nilmtk.datastore import DataStore, HDFDataStore, CSVDataStore, Key
from nilmtk.metergroup import MeterGroup
from nilmtk.appliance import Appliance
from nilmtk.building import Building
from nilmtk.dataset import DataSet

global_meter_group = MeterGroup()

[docs]def teardown_package(): """Nosetests package teardown function (run when tests are done). See Uses git to reset data_dir after tests have run. """ from nilmtk.tests.testingtools import data_dir import subprocess cmd = "git checkout -- {}".format(data_dir()) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, cwd=data_dir()) except Exception: print "Failed to run '{}'".format(cmd) raise else: print "Succeeded in running '{}'".format(cmd)