Source code for nilmtk.dataset_converters.ukdale.convert_ukdale

from __future__ import print_function, division
from os import remove
from os.path import join
import pandas as pd
from nilmtk.dataset_converters.redd.convert_redd import (_convert, _load_csv)
from nilmtk.utils import get_module_directory
from nilmtk import DataSet
from nilmtk.utils import get_datastore
from nilmtk.datastore import Key
from nilm_metadata import convert_yaml_to_hdf5

ONE_SEC_COLUMNS = [('power', 'active'), ('power', 'apparent'), ('voltage', '')]
TZ = 'Europe/London'

[docs]def convert_ukdale(ukdale_path, output_filename, format='HDF'): """Converts the UK-DALE dataset to NILMTK HDF5 format. For more information about the UK-DALE dataset, and to download it, please see Parameters ---------- ukdale_path : str The root path of the UK-DALE dataset. It is assumed that the YAML metadata is in 'ukdale_path/metadata'. output_filename : str The destination filename (including path and suffix). format : str format of output. Either 'HDF' or 'CSV'. Defaults to 'HDF' """ ac_type_map = _get_ac_type_map(ukdale_path) def _ukdale_measurement_mapping_func(house_id, chan_id): ac_type = ac_type_map[(house_id, chan_id)][0] return [('power', ac_type)] # Open DataStore store = get_datastore(output_filename, format, mode='w') # Convert 6-second data _convert(ukdale_path, store, _ukdale_measurement_mapping_func, TZ, sort_index=False) store.close() # Add metadata if format == 'HDF': convert_yaml_to_hdf5(join(ukdale_path, 'metadata'), output_filename) # Convert 1-second data'a') _convert_one_sec_data(ukdale_path, store, ac_type_map) store.close() print("Done converting UK-DALE to HDF5!")
def _get_ac_type_map(ukdale_path): """First we need to convert the YAML metadata to HDF5 so we can load the metadata into NILMTK to allow us to use NILMTK to find the ac_type for each channel. Parameters ---------- ukdale_path : str Returns ------- ac_type_map : dict. Keys are pairs of ints: (<house_instance>, <meter_instance>) Values are list of available power ac type for that meter. """ hdf5_just_metadata = join(ukdale_path, 'metadata', 'ukdale_metadata.h5') convert_yaml_to_hdf5(join(ukdale_path, 'metadata'), hdf5_just_metadata) ukdale_dataset = DataSet(hdf5_just_metadata) ac_type_map = {} for building_i, building in ukdale_dataset.buildings.iteritems(): elec = building.elec for meter in elec.meters + elec.disabled_meters: key = (building_i, meter.instance()) ac_type_map[key] = meter.available_ac_types('power') remove(hdf5_just_metadata) return ac_type_map def _convert_one_sec_data(ukdale_path, store, ac_type_map): ids_of_one_sec_data = [ identifier for identifier, ac_types in ac_type_map.iteritems() if ac_types == ['active', 'apparent']] if not ids_of_one_sec_data: return for identifier in ids_of_one_sec_data: key = Key(building=identifier[0], meter=identifier[1]) print("Loading 1-second data for", key, "...") house_path = 'house_{:d}'.format(key.building) filename = join(ukdale_path, house_path, 'mains.dat') df = _load_csv(filename, ONE_SEC_COLUMNS, TZ) store.put(str(key), df) store.close()