Source code for nilmtk.datastore.csvdatastore

from __future__ import print_function, division
import pandas as pd
from itertools import repeat, tee
from time import time
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import yaml
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, exists, dirname
from os import listdir, makedirs, remove
from shutil import rmtree
import re
from nilm_metadata.convert_yaml_to_hdf5 import _load_file
from nilmtk.timeframe import TimeFrame
from nilmtk.timeframegroup import TimeFrameGroup
from nilmtk.node import Node
from nilmtk.datastore import DataStore, MAX_MEM_ALLOWANCE_IN_BYTES
from nilmtk.datastore.key import Key
from nilmtk.datastore.datastore import write_yaml_to_file, join_key
from nilmtk.docinherit import doc_inherit

# do not edit! added by PythonBreakpoints
from pdb import set_trace as _breakpoint

[docs]class CSVDataStore(DataStore): @doc_inherit def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename # make root directory path = self._key_to_abs_path('/') if not exists(path): makedirs(path) # make metadata directory path = self._get_metadata_path() if not exists(path): makedirs(path) super(CSVDataStore, self).__init__() @doc_inherit def __getitem__(self, key): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) if isfile(file_path): return pd.read_csv(file_path) else: raise KeyError('{} not found'.format(key)) @doc_inherit
[docs] def load(self, key, cols=None, sections=None, n_look_ahead_rows=0, chunksize=MAX_MEM_ALLOWANCE_IN_BYTES): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) # Set `sections` variable sections = [TimeFrame()] if sections is None else sections sections = TimeFrameGroup(sections) self.all_sections_smaller_than_chunksize = True # iterate through parameter sections # requires 1 pass through file for each section for section in sections: window_intersect = self.window.intersection(section) header_rows = [0,1] text_file_reader = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0, header=header_rows, parse_dates=True, chunksize=chunksize) # iterate through all chunks in file for chunk_idx, chunk in enumerate(text_file_reader): # filter dataframe by specified columns if cols: chunk = chunk[cols] # mask chunk by window and section intersect subchunk_idx = [True]*len(chunk) if window_intersect.start: subchunk_idx = np.logical_and(subchunk_idx, (chunk.index>=window_intersect.start)) if window_intersect.end: subchunk_idx = np.logical_and(subchunk_idx, (chunk.index<window_intersect.end)) if window_intersect.empty: subchunk_idx = [False]*len(chunk) subchunk = chunk[subchunk_idx] if len(subchunk)>0: subchunk_end = np.max(np.nonzero(subchunk_idx)) subchunk.timeframe = TimeFrame(subchunk.index[0], subchunk.index[-1]) # Load look ahead if necessary if n_look_ahead_rows > 0: if len(subchunk.index) > 0: rows_to_skip = (len(header_rows)+1)+(chunk_idx*chunksize)+subchunk_end+1 try: subchunk.look_ahead = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0, header=None, parse_dates=True, skiprows=rows_to_skip, nrows=n_look_ahead_rows) except ValueError: subchunk.look_ahead = pd.DataFrame() else: subchunk.look_ahead = pd.DataFrame() yield subchunk
[docs] def append(self, key, value): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) path = dirname(file_path) if not exists(path): makedirs(path) value.to_csv(file_path, mode='a', header=True)
[docs] def put(self, key, value): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) path = dirname(file_path) if not exists(path): makedirs(path) value.to_csv(file_path, mode='w', header=True)
[docs] def remove(self, key): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) if isfile(file_path): remove(file_path) else: rmtree(file_path)
[docs] def load_metadata(self, key='/'): if key == '/': filepath = self._get_metadata_path() metadata = _load_file(filepath, 'dataset.yaml') meter_devices = _load_file(filepath, 'meter_devices.yaml') metadata['meter_devices'] = meter_devices else: key_object = Key(key) if key_object.building and not key_object.meter: # load building metadata from file filename = 'building'+str(key_object.building)+'.yaml' filepath = self._get_metadata_path() metadata = _load_file(filepath, filename) # set data_location for meter_instance in metadata['elec_meters']: # not sure why I need to use meter_instance-1 data_location = '/building{:d}/elec/meter{:d}'.format(key_object.building, meter_instance) metadata['elec_meters'][meter_instance]['data_location'] = data_location else: raise NotImplementedError("NotImplementedError") return metadata
[docs] def save_metadata(self, key, metadata): if key == '/': # Extract meter_devices meter_devices_metadata = metadata['meter_devices'] dataset_metadata = dict(metadata) del dataset_metadata['meter_devices'] # Write dataset metadata metadata_filename = join(self._get_metadata_path(), 'dataset.yaml') write_yaml_to_file(metadata_filename, dataset_metadata) # Write meter_devices metadata metadata_filename = join(self._get_metadata_path(), 'meter_devices.yaml') write_yaml_to_file(metadata_filename, meter_devices_metadata) else: # Write building metadata key_object = Key(key) assert key_object.building and not key_object.meter metadata_filename = join(self._get_metadata_path(), 'building{:d}.yaml'.format(key_object.building)) write_yaml_to_file(metadata_filename, metadata)
[docs] def elements_below_key(self, key='/'): elements = [] if key == '/': for directory in listdir(self.filename): dir_path = join(self.filename, directory) if isdir(dir_path) and re.match('building[0-9]*', directory): elements += [directory] else: relative_path = key[1:] dir_path = join(self.filename, relative_path) if isdir(dir_path): for element in listdir(dir_path): elements += [directory] return elements
[docs] def close(self): # not needed for CSV data store pass
[docs] def open(self): # not needed for CSV data store pass
[docs] def get_timeframe(self, key): file_path = self._key_to_abs_path(key) text_file_reader = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0, header=[0,1], parse_dates=True, chunksize=MAX_MEM_ALLOWANCE_IN_BYTES) start = None end = None for df in text_file_reader: if start is None: start = df.index[0] end = df.index[-1] timeframe = TimeFrame(start, end) return self.window.intersection(timeframe)
def _get_metadata_path(self): return join(self.filename, 'metadata') def _key_to_abs_path(self, key): abs_path = self.filename if key and len(key) > 1: relative_path = key if key[0] == '/': relative_path = relative_path[1:] abs_path = join(self.filename, relative_path) key_object = Key(key) if key_object.building and key_object.meter: abs_path += '.csv' return abs_path