from __future__ import print_function, division
from warnings import warn
import pandas as pd
from nilmtk.exceptions import MeasurementError
AC_TYPES = ['active', 'apparent', 'reactive']
# AC is short for 'Alternating Current'.
# AC_TYPES is in order of preference (favourite first).
# Note that 'pf' is deprecated. Please use 'power factor'. See issue #289.
PHYSICAL_QUANTITIES = ['power', 'energy', 'cumulative energy',
'voltage', 'current', 'pf', 'frequency', 'power factor',
'state', 'phase angle']
PHYSICAL_QUANTITIES_WITH_AC_TYPES = ['power', 'energy', 'cumulative energy']
PHYSICAL_QUANTITIES_TO_AVERAGE = ['voltage', 'pf', 'frequency', 'power factor']
LEVEL_NAMES = ['physical_quantity', 'type']
[docs]def check_ac_type(ac_type):
if ac_type not in AC_TYPES:
msg = ("'{}' is not a valid AC type."
" Valid AC types = {}.".format(ac_type, AC_TYPES))
raise MeasurementError(msg)
[docs]def check_physical_quantity(physical_quantity):
if physical_quantity not in PHYSICAL_QUANTITIES:
msg = ("'{}' is not a valid physical quantity."
" Valid physical quantities = {}."
.format(physical_quantity, PHYSICAL_QUANTITIES))
raise MeasurementError(msg)
[docs]def select_best_ac_type(available_ac_types, mains_ac_types=None):
"""Selects the 'best' alternating current measurement type from
available_ac_types : list of strings
e.g. ['active', 'reactive']
mains_ac_types : list of strings, optional
if provided then will try to select the best AC type from `available_ac_types`
which is also in `mains_ac_types`.
If none of the measurements from `mains_ac_types` are
available then will raise a warning and will select another ac type.
best_ac_type : string
if mains_ac_types is None:
order_of_preference = AC_TYPES
order_of_preference = [ac_type for ac_type in AC_TYPES
if ac_type in mains_ac_types]
for ac_type in order_of_preference:
if ac_type in available_ac_types:
return ac_type
# if we get to here then we haven't found any relevant ac_type in available_ac_types
if mains_ac_types is None:
raise KeyError('No relevant measurements in {}'.format(available_ac_types))
warn("None of the AC types recorded by Mains are present in `available_ac_types`."
" Will use try using one of {}.".format(AC_TYPES), RuntimeWarning)
return select_best_ac_type(available_ac_types)
[docs]def measurement_columns(column_tuples):
column_tuples : list of 2-tuples
for physical_quantity, ac_type in column_tuples:
if physical_quantity in ['energy', 'cumulative energy', 'power']:
return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(column_tuples, names=LEVEL_NAMES)