
Contributing documentation

Firstly, we clone the main nilmtk repository:

cd ~
git clone

Next, we create a folder named nilmtkdocs:

cd ~
mkdir nilmtkdocs

Inside nilmtkdocs, we create a html folder, within which we clone the nilmtk repository:

cd nilmtkdocs
git clone html

Setting up remote for gh-pages branch inside html folder:

cd html
git checkout -b gh-pages remotes/origin/gh-pages

Now, move back to the main repository:

cd ~/nilmtk

As usual make changes to .rst files in ~/nilmtk/docs/source to contribute to documentation.

Build your documentation:

cd ~/nilmtk/docs
make html

Now, built documentation should lie in ~/nilmtkdocs directory. You may use your browser to check if everything got built properly.

Commit your changes and push. These changes are reflected in the master branch of nilmtk a these are changes to the source.

git commit -m "your message"
git push

Next, move to the nilmtkdocs/html folder:

cd ~/nilmtkdocs/html

Check branch:

git branch

It should be gh-pages. Now, this gh-pages branch should contain your newly built docs. Push these to gh-pages branch and see them appear magically on the official documentation site:

git commit -a -m "rebuilt docs"
git push origin gh-pages

Thats all! Please allow a time upto 10 minutes for your new docs to appear on the official documentation site. Thanks to the wonderful tutorial here.