Source code for nilmtk.dataset_converters.dataport.download_dataport

from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import re
import datetime
import sys
from os.path import join, isdir, isfile, dirname, abspath
import pandas as pd
import yaml
import psycopg2 as db
from nilmtk.measurement import measurement_columns
from nilmtk.measurement import LEVEL_NAMES
from nilmtk.datastore import Key
from nilm_metadata import convert_yaml_to_hdf5
from inspect import currentframe, getfile, getsourcefile


dataport is a large dataset hosted in a remote SQL database. This
file provides a function to download the dataset and save it to disk
as NILMTK-DF. Since downloading the entire dataset will likely take >
24 hours, this function provides some options to allow you to download
only a subset of the data.

For example, to only load house 26 for April 2014:

           periods_to_load = {26: ('2014-04-01', '2014-05-01')}


On Ubuntu:
* sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
* sudo pip install psycopg2

* intelligently handle queries that fail due to network
* integrate 'grid' (use - gen) and 'gen'


feed_mapping = {
                'use': {},
                'air1': {'type': 'air conditioner'},
                'air2': {'type': 'air conditioner'},
                'air3': {'type': 'air conditioner'},
                'airwindowunit1': {'type': 'air conditioner'},
                'aquarium1': {'type': 'appliance'},
                'bathroom1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bathroom'},
                'bathroom2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bathroom'},
                'bedroom1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bedroom'},
                'bedroom2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bedroom'},
                'bedroom3': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bedroom'},
                'bedroom4': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bedroom'},
                'bedroom5': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'bedroom'},
                'car1': {'type': 'electric vehicle'},
                'clotheswasher1': {'type': 'washing machine'},
                'clotheswasher_dryg1': {'type': 'washer dryer'},
                'diningroom1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'dining room'},
                'diningroom2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'dining room'},
                'dishwasher1': {'type': 'dish washer'},
                'disposal1': {'type': 'waste disposal unit'},
                'drye1': {'type': 'spin dryer'},
                'dryg1': {'type': 'spin dryer'},
                'freezer1': {'type': 'freezer'},
                'furnace1': {'type': 'electric furnace'},
                'furnace2': {'type': 'electric furnace'},
                'garage1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'dining room'},
                'garage2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'dining room'},
                'gen': {},
                'grid': {},
                'heater1': {'type': 'electric space heater'},
                'housefan1': {'type': 'electric space heater'},
                'icemaker1': {'type': 'appliance'},
                'jacuzzi1': {'type': 'electric hot tub heater'},
                'kitchen1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'kitchen'},
                'kitchen2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'kitchen'},
                'kitchenapp1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'kitchen'},
                'kitchenapp2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'kitchen'},
                'lights_plugs1': {'type': 'light'},
                'lights_plugs2': {'type': 'light'},
                'lights_plugs3': {'type': 'light'},
                'lights_plugs4': {'type': 'light'},
                'lights_plugs5': {'type': 'light'},
                'lights_plugs6': {'type': 'light'},
                'livingroom1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'living room'},
                'livingroom2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'living room'},
                'microwave1': {'type': 'microwave'},
                'office1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'office'},
                'outsidelights_plugs1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'outside'},
                'outsidelights_plugs2': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'outside'},
                'oven1': {'type': 'oven'},
                'oven2': {'type': 'oven'},
                'pool1': {'type': 'electric swimming pool heater'},
                'pool2': {'type': 'electric swimming pool heater'},
                'poollight1': {'type': 'light'},
                'poolpump1': {'type': 'electric swimming pool heater'},
                'pump1': {'type': 'appliance'},
                'range1': {'type': 'stove'},
                'refrigerator1': {'type': 'fridge'},
                'refrigerator2': {'type': 'fridge'},
                'security1': {'type': 'security alarm'},
                'shed1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'shed'},
                'sprinkler1': {'type': 'appliance'},
                'unknown1': {'type': 'unknown'},
                'unknown2': {'type': 'unknown'},
                'unknown3': {'type': 'unknown'},
                'unknown4': {'type': 'unknown'},
                'utilityroom1': {'type': 'sockets', 'room': 'utility room'},
                'venthood1': {'type': 'appliance'},
                'waterheater1': {'type': 'electric water heating appliance'},
                'waterheater2': {'type': 'electric water heating appliance'},
                'winecooler1': {'type': 'appliance'},

feed_ignore = ['gen', 'grid']

[docs]def download_dataport(database_username, database_password, hdf_filename, periods_to_load=None): """ Downloads data from dataport database into an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- hdf_filename : str Output HDF filename. If file exists already then will be deleted. database_username, database_password : str periods_to_load : dict of tuples, optional Key of dict is the building number (int). Values are (<start date>, <end date>) e.g. ("2013-04-01", None) or ("2013-04-01", "2013-08-01") defaults to all buildings and all date ranges """ # dataport database settings database_host = '' database_port = '5434' database_name = 'postgres' database_schema = 'university' # try to connect to database try: conn = db.connect('host=' + database_host + ' port=' + database_port + ' dbname=' + database_name + ' user=' + database_username + ' password=' + database_password) except: print('Could not connect to remote database') raise # set up a new HDF5 datastore (overwrites existing store) store = pd.HDFStore(hdf_filename, 'w', complevel=9, complib='zlib') # remove existing building yaml files in module dir for f in os.listdir(join(_get_module_directory(), 'metadata')): if'^building', f): os.remove(join(_get_module_directory(), 'metadata', f)) """ TODO: The section below can be altered or removed, since the restructured Dataport now has only one electricity_egauge_minutes table. """ # get tables in database schema sql_query = ("SELECT table_name" + " FROM information_schema.views" + " WHERE table_schema ='" + database_schema + "'" + " ORDER BY table_name") database_tables = pd.read_sql(sql_query, conn)['table_name'].tolist() database_tables = [t for t in database_tables if 'electricity_egauge_minutes' in t] # if user has specified buildings if periods_to_load: buildings_to_load = periods_to_load.keys() else: # get buildings present in all tables sql_query = '' for table in database_tables: sql_query = (sql_query + '(SELECT DISTINCT dataid' + ' FROM "' + database_schema + '".' + table + ') UNION ') sql_query = sql_query[:-7] sql_query = (sql_query + ' ORDER BY dataid') buildings_to_load = pd.read_sql(sql_query, conn)['dataid'].tolist() # for each user specified building or all buildings in database for building_id in buildings_to_load: print("Loading building {:d} @ {}" .format(building_id, sys.stdout.flush() # create new list of chunks for concatenating later dataframe_list = [] # for each table of 1 month data for database_table in database_tables: print(" Loading table {:s}".format(database_table)) sys.stdout.flush() # get buildings present in electricity_egauge_minutes table sql_query = ('SELECT DISTINCT dataid' + ' FROM university.metadata' + ' WHERE egauge_min_time IS NOT NULL' + ' ORDER BY dataid') buildings_in_table = pd.read_sql(sql_query, conn)['dataid'].tolist() if building_id in buildings_in_table: # get first and last timestamps for this house in electricity_egauge_minutes table sql_query = ('SELECT MIN(egauge_min_time) AS minlocalminute,' + ' MAX(egauge_max_time) AS maxlocalminute' + ' FROM university.metadata' + ' WHERE dataid=' + str(building_id)) range = pd.read_sql(sql_query, conn) first_timestamp_in_table = range['minlocalminute'][0] last_timestamp_in_table = range['maxlocalminute'][0] # get requested start and end and localize them requested_start = None requested_end = None database_timezone = 'US/Central' if periods_to_load: if periods_to_load[building_id][0]: requested_start = pd.Timestamp(periods_to_load[building_id][0]) requested_start = requested_start.tz_localize(database_timezone) if periods_to_load[building_id][1]: requested_end = pd.Timestamp(periods_to_load[building_id][1]) requested_end = requested_end.tz_localize(database_timezone) # check user start is not after end if requested_start > requested_end: print('requested end is before requested start') sys.stdout.flush() else: # clip data to smallest range if requested_start: start = max(requested_start, first_timestamp_in_table) else: start = first_timestamp_in_table if requested_end: end = min(requested_end, last_timestamp_in_table) else: end = last_timestamp_in_table # download data in chunks chunk_start = start chunk_size = datetime.timedelta(10) # 1 day while chunk_start < end: chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size if chunk_end > end: chunk_end = end # subtract 1 second so end is exclusive chunk_end = chunk_end - datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # query power data for all channels format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' sql_query = ('SELECT *' + ' FROM "' + database_schema + '".' + database_table + ' WHERE dataid=' + str(building_id) + 'and localminute between ' + "'" + chunk_start.strftime(format) + "'" + " and " + "'" + chunk_end.strftime(format) + "'") chunk_dataframe = pd.read_sql(sql_query, conn) # nilmtk requires building indices to start at 1 nilmtk_building_id = buildings_to_load.index(building_id) + 1 # convert to nilmtk-df and save to disk nilmtk_dataframe = _dataport_dataframe_to_hdf(chunk_dataframe, store, nilmtk_building_id, building_id) # print progress print(' ' + str(chunk_start) + ' -> ' + str(chunk_end) + ': ' + str(len(chunk_dataframe.index)) + ' rows') sys.stdout.flush() # append all chunks into list for csv writing #dataframe_list.append(chunk_dataframe) # move on to next chunk chunk_start = chunk_start + chunk_size # saves all chunks in list to csv #if len(dataframe_list) > 0: #dataframe_concat = pd.concat(dataframe_list) #dataframe_concat.to_csv(output_directory + str(building_id) + '.csv') store.close() conn.close() # write yaml to hdf5 # dataset.yaml and meter_devices.yaml are static, building<x>.yaml are dynamic convert_yaml_to_hdf5(join(_get_module_directory(), 'metadata'), hdf_filename)
def _dataport_dataframe_to_hdf(dataport_dataframe, store, nilmtk_building_id, dataport_building_id): local_dataframe = dataport_dataframe.copy() # remove timezone information to avoid append errors local_dataframe['localminute'] = pd.DatetimeIndex([i.replace(tzinfo=None) for i in local_dataframe['localminute']]) # set timestamp as frame index local_dataframe = local_dataframe.set_index('localminute') # set timezone local_dataframe = local_dataframe.tz_localize('US/Central') # remove timestamp column from dataframe feeds_dataframe = local_dataframe.drop('dataid', axis=1) # Column names for dataframe column_names = [('power', 'active')] # convert from kW to W feeds_dataframe = feeds_dataframe.mul(1000) # building metadata building_metadata = {} building_metadata['instance'] = nilmtk_building_id building_metadata['original_name'] = int(dataport_building_id) # use python int building_metadata['elec_meters'] = {} building_metadata['appliances'] = [] # initialise dict of instances of each appliance type instance_counter = {} meter_id = 1 for column in feeds_dataframe.columns: if feeds_dataframe[column].notnull().sum() > 0 and not column in feed_ignore: # convert timeseries into dataframe feed_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(feeds_dataframe[column]) # set column names feed_dataframe.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(column_names) # Modify the column labels to reflect the power measurements recorded. feed_dataframe.columns.set_names(LEVEL_NAMES, inplace=True) key = Key(building=nilmtk_building_id, meter=meter_id) # store dataframe store.put(str(key), feed_dataframe, format='table', append=True) store.flush() # elec_meter metadata if column == 'use': meter_metadata = {'device_model': 'eGauge', 'site_meter': True} else: meter_metadata = {'device_model': 'eGauge', 'submeter_of': 0} building_metadata['elec_meters'][meter_id] = meter_metadata # appliance metadata if column != 'use': # original name and meter id appliance_metadata = {'original_name': column, 'meters': [meter_id] } # appliance type and room if available appliance_metadata.update(feed_mapping[column]) # appliance instance number if instance_counter.get(appliance_metadata['type']) == None: instance_counter[appliance_metadata['type']] = 0 instance_counter[appliance_metadata['type']] += 1 appliance_metadata['instance'] = instance_counter[appliance_metadata['type']] building_metadata['appliances'].append(appliance_metadata) meter_id += 1 # write building yaml to file building = 'building{:d}'.format(nilmtk_building_id) yaml_full_filename = join(_get_module_directory(), 'metadata', building + '.yaml') with open(yaml_full_filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(yaml.dump(building_metadata)) return 0 def _get_module_directory(): # Taken from path_to_this_file = dirname(getfile(currentframe())) if not isdir(path_to_this_file): encoding = getfilesystemencoding() path_to_this_file = dirname(unicode(__file__, encoding)) if not isdir(path_to_this_file): abspath(getsourcefile(lambda _: None)) if not isdir(path_to_this_file): path_to_this_file = getcwd() assert isdir(path_to_this_file), path_to_this_file + ' is not a directory' return path_to_this_file