Source code for nilmtk.metrics

'''Metrics to compare disaggregation performance against ground truth

All metrics functions have the same interface.  Each function takes
`predictions` and `ground_truth` parameters.  Both of which are
nilmtk.MeterGroup objects.  Each function returns one of two types:
either a pd.Series or a single float.  Most functions return a
pd.Series where each index element is a meter instance int or a tuple
of ints for MeterGroups.


Below is the notation used to mathematically define each metric. 

:math:`T` - number of time slices.

:math:`t` - a time slice.

:math:`N` - number of appliances.

:math:`n` - an appliance.

:math:`y^{(n)}_t` -  ground truth power of appliance :math:`n` in time slice :math:`t`.

:math:`\\hat{y}^{(n)}_t` -  estimated power of appliance :math:`n` in time slice :math:`t`.

:math:`x^{(n)}_t` - ground truth state of appliance :math:`n` in time slice :math:`t`.

:math:`\\hat{x}^{(n)}_t` - estimated state of appliance :math:`n` in time slice :math:`t`.



from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
from .metergroup import MeterGroup, iterate_through_submeters_of_two_metergroups
from .electric import align_two_meters

[docs]def error_in_assigned_energy(predictions, ground_truth): """Compute error in assigned energy. .. math:: error^{(n)} = \\left | \\sum_t y^{(n)}_t - \\sum_t \\hat{y}^{(n)}_t \\right | Parameters ---------- predictions, ground_truth : nilmtk.MeterGroup Returns ------- errors : pd.Series Each index is an meter instance int (or tuple for MeterGroups). Each value is the absolute error in assigned energy for that appliance, in kWh. """ errors = {} both_sets_of_meters = iterate_through_submeters_of_two_metergroups( predictions, ground_truth) for pred_meter, ground_truth_meter in both_sets_of_meters: sections = pred_meter.good_sections() ground_truth_energy = ground_truth_meter.total_energy(sections=sections) predicted_energy = pred_meter.total_energy(sections=sections) errors[pred_meter.instance()] = np.abs(ground_truth_energy - predicted_energy) return pd.Series(errors)
[docs]def fraction_energy_assigned_correctly(predictions, ground_truth): '''Compute fraction of energy assigned correctly .. math:: fraction = \\sum_n min \\left ( \\frac{\\sum_n y}{\\sum_{n,t} y}, \\frac{\\sum_n \\hat{y}}{\\sum_{n,t} \\hat{y}} \\right ) Ignores distinction between different AC types, instead if there are multiple AC types for each meter then we just take the max value across the AC types. Parameters ---------- predictions, ground_truth : nilmtk.MeterGroup Returns ------- fraction : float in the range [0,1] Fraction of Energy Correctly Assigned. ''' predictions_submeters = MeterGroup(meters=predictions.submeters()) ground_truth_submeters = MeterGroup(meters=ground_truth.submeters()) fraction_per_meter_predictions = predictions_submeters.fraction_per_meter() fraction_per_meter_ground_truth = ground_truth_submeters.fraction_per_meter() fraction = 0 for meter_instance in predictions_submeters.instance(): fraction += min(fraction_per_meter_ground_truth[meter_instance], fraction_per_meter_predictions[meter_instance]) return fraction
[docs]def mean_normalized_error_power(predictions, ground_truth): '''Compute mean normalized error in assigned power .. math:: error^{(n)} = \\frac { \\sum_t {\\left | y_t^{(n)} - \\hat{y}_t^{(n)} \\right |} } { \\sum_t y_t^{(n)} } Parameters ---------- predictions, ground_truth : nilmtk.MeterGroup Returns ------- mne : pd.Series Each index is an meter instance int (or tuple for MeterGroups). Each value is the MNE for that appliance. ''' mne = {} both_sets_of_meters = iterate_through_submeters_of_two_metergroups( predictions, ground_truth) for pred_meter, ground_truth_meter in both_sets_of_meters: total_abs_diff = 0.0 sum_of_ground_truth_power = 0.0 for aligned_meters_chunk in align_two_meters(pred_meter, ground_truth_meter): diff = aligned_meters_chunk.icol(0) - aligned_meters_chunk.icol(1) total_abs_diff += sum(abs(diff.dropna())) sum_of_ground_truth_power += aligned_meters_chunk.icol(1).sum() mne[pred_meter.instance()] = total_abs_diff / sum_of_ground_truth_power return pd.Series(mne)
[docs]def rms_error_power(predictions, ground_truth): '''Compute RMS error in assigned power .. math:: error^{(n)} = \\sqrt{ \\frac{1}{T} \\sum_t{ \\left ( y_t - \\hat{y}_t \\right )^2 } } Parameters ---------- predictions, ground_truth : nilmtk.MeterGroup Returns ------- error : pd.Series Each index is an meter instance int (or tuple for MeterGroups). Each value is the RMS error in predicted power for that appliance. ''' error = {} both_sets_of_meters = iterate_through_submeters_of_two_metergroups( predictions, ground_truth) for pred_meter, ground_truth_meter in both_sets_of_meters: sum_of_squared_diff = 0.0 n_samples = 0 for aligned_meters_chunk in align_two_meters(pred_meter, ground_truth_meter): diff = aligned_meters_chunk.icol(0) - aligned_meters_chunk.icol(1) diff.dropna(inplace=True) sum_of_squared_diff += (diff ** 2).sum() n_samples += len(diff) error[pred_meter.instance()] = math.sqrt(sum_of_squared_diff / n_samples) return pd.Series(error)
[docs]def f1_score(predictions, ground_truth): '''Compute F1 scores. .. math:: F_{score}^{(n)} = \\frac {2 * Precision * Recall} {Precision + Recall} Parameters ---------- predictions, ground_truth : nilmtk.MeterGroup Returns ------- f1_scores : pd.Series Each index is an meter instance int (or tuple for MeterGroups). Each value is the F1 score for that appliance. If there are multiple chunks then the value is the weighted mean of the F1 score for each chunk. ''' # If we import sklearn at top of file then sphinx breaks. from sklearn.metrics import f1_score as sklearn_f1_score # sklearn produces lots of DepreciationWarnings with PyTables import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) f1_scores = {} both_sets_of_meters = iterate_through_submeters_of_two_metergroups( predictions, ground_truth) for pred_meter, ground_truth_meter in both_sets_of_meters: scores_for_meter = pd.DataFrame(columns=['score', 'n_samples']) for aligned_states_chunk in align_two_meters(pred_meter, ground_truth_meter, 'when_on'): aligned_states_chunk.dropna(inplace=True) aligned_states_chunk = aligned_states_chunk.astype(int) score = sklearn_f1_score(aligned_states_chunk.icol(0), aligned_states_chunk.icol(1)) scores_for_meter = scores_for_meter.append( {'score': score, 'n_samples': len(aligned_states_chunk)}, ignore_index=True) # Calculate weighted mean tot_samples = scores_for_meter['n_samples'].sum() scores_for_meter['proportion'] = (scores_for_meter['n_samples'] / tot_samples) avg_score = (scores_for_meter['score'] * scores_for_meter['proportion']).sum() f1_scores[pred_meter.instance()] = avg_score return pd.Series(f1_scores) ##### FUNCTIONS BELOW THIS LINE HAVE NOT YET BEEN CONVERTED TO NILMTK v0.2 #####
""" def confusion_matrices(predicted_states, ground_truth_states): '''Compute confusion matrix between appliance states for each appliance Parameters ---------- predicted_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of predicted states]} ground_truth_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of ground truth states]} Returns ------- dict of type {appliance : confusion matrix} ''' re = {} for appliance in predicted_states: matrix = np.zeros([np.max(ground_truth_states[appliance]) + 1, np.max(ground_truth_states[appliance]) + 1]) for time in predicted_states[appliance]: matrix[predicted_states.values[time, appliance], ground_truth_states.values[time, appliance]] += 1 re[appliance] = matrix return re def tp_fp_fn_tn(predicted_states, ground_truth_states): '''Compute counts of True Positives, False Positives, False Negatives, True Negatives .. math:: TP^{(n)} = \\sum_{t} and \\left ( x^{(n)}_t = on, \\hat{x}^{(n)}_t = on \\right ) FP^{(n)} = \\sum_{t} and \\left ( x^{(n)}_t = off, \\hat{x}^{(n)}_t = on \\right ) FN^{(n)} = \\sum_{t} and \\left ( x^{(n)}_t = on, \\hat{x}^{(n)}_t = off \\right ) TN^{(n)} = \\sum_{t} and \\left ( x^{(n)}_t = off, \\hat{x}^{(n)}_t = off \\right ) Parameters ---------- predicted_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of predicted states]} ground_truth_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of ground truth states]} Returns ------- numpy array where columns represent appliances and rows represent: [TP, FP, FN, TN] ''' # assumes state 0 = off, all other states = on predicted_states_on = predicted_states > 0 ground_truth_states_on = ground_truth_states > 0 tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predicted_states_on.values == True, ground_truth_states_on.values == True), axis=0) fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predicted_states_on.values == True, ground_truth_states_on.values == False), axis=0) fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(predicted_states_on.values == False, ground_truth_states_on.values == True), axis=0) tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(predicted_states_on.values == False, ground_truth_states_on.values == False), axis=0) return np.array([tp, fp, fn, tn]).astype(float) def tpr_fpr(predicted_states, ground_truth_states): '''Compute True Positive Rate and False Negative Rate .. math:: TPR^{(n)} = \\frac{TP}{\\left ( TP + FN \\right )} FPR^{(n)} = \\frac{FP}{\\left ( FP + TN \\right )} Parameters ---------- predicted_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of predicted states]} ground_truth_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of ground truth states]} Returns ------- numpy array where columns represent appliances and rows represent: [TPR, FPR] ''' tfpn = tp_fp_fn_tn(predicted_states, ground_truth_states) tpr = tfpn[0, :] / (tfpn[0, :] + tfpn[2, :]) fpr = tfpn[1, :] / (tfpn[1, :] + tfpn[3, :]) return np.array([tpr, fpr]) def precision_recall(predicted_states, ground_truth_states): '''Compute Precision and Recall .. math:: Precision^{(n)} = \\frac{TP}{\\left ( TP + FP \\right )} Recall^{(n)} = \\frac{TP}{\\left ( TP + FN \\right )} Parameters ---------- predicted_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of predicted states]} ground_truth_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of ground truth states]} Returns ------- numpy array where columns represent appliances and rows represent: [Precision, Recall] ''' tfpn = tp_fp_fn_tn(predicted_states, ground_truth_states) prec = tfpn[0, :] / (tfpn[0, :] + tfpn[1, :]) rec = tfpn[0, :] / (tfpn[0, :] + tfpn[2, :]) return np.array([prec, rec]) def hamming_loss(predicted_state, ground_truth_state): '''Compute Hamming loss .. math:: HammingLoss = \\frac{1}{T} \\sum_{t} \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{n} xor \\left ( x^{(n)}_t, \\hat{x}^{(n)}_t \\right ) Parameters ---------- predicted_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of predicted states]} ground_truth_state: Pandas DataFrame of type {appliance : [array of ground truth states]} Returns ------- float of hamming_loss ''' num_appliances = np.size(ground_truth_state.values, axis=1) xors = np.sum((predicted_state.values != ground_truth_state.values), axis=1) / num_appliances return np.mean(xors) """